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Listing summary

  • The Natural World of Sri Lanka Photography Lectures
  • €100.00  / hour
  • Colombo


  • Encounters with Wildlife
  • A Travel Story

Other (subject)

Nature photography, Big animal photography, marine mammals and photography at sea, Tigers in india, In search of that Leopard shot

Type of Talk

  • Presentation


  • 45 mins


  • 1 x 45 mins plus Q&A

Languages spoken

English, French

Time Zone

GMT +5h 30 mins


Can fine tune to serious enthusiasts and professionals

Delivered by

  • Zoom

Max group size



I will be happy to describe the rich natural world in Sri Lanka and the ideal ways of planning a safari to watch and photograph this amazing island. My work here in Sri Lanka covers Photographing leopards, birds, elephants and the famous elephant gathering and marine mammals that includes blue whales. We also focus on specialised sessions on marine safaris that takes you to sea in search of large sperm whale groups.