Posted on 2020-08-23

Processing in mono

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In this talk, Joe takes you through the thought processes and different approaches to post-processing which black and white imagery needs. An Adobe Certified Expert in Lightroom, Joe has been processing monochrome images for many years, and in 2019 published a book of mono street images "Streets of Dublin".

Using Lightroom and Nik Silver Efex, Joe shows numerous tip, tricks and ways of thinking as he processes colour RAW files into monochrome final images, talking through the process at every stage in a fascinating and easy to follow session which will be sure to inspire you to try some of the techniques yourself.

This talk can be done using RAW images submitted to Joe ahead of the session by your club's members, or Joe can use a selection of his own - either option works and can be finalised when the booking is discussed.


  • Street Photography
  • A Photographer's Journey
  • Visual Storytelling
  • Tips from a Pro
  • Post Production

Type of Talk

  • Demonstration
  • Interactive
  • Discussion



  • Two hours


  • 1 x 120 mins

Languages spoken


Time Zone




Delivered by

  • Zoom

Max group size



  • Helen
  • Jul 17, 2020
  • Fantastic talk thanks JH. I loved how the Library module was covered in the first part of the talk and the Develop module in the second part. For the amount of time we had and the extent of Lightroom we got an amazing amount of learning. One of our members has been using it as long as JH and was a beta user also but learnt new things. I was amazed at how there was something for everyone; from beginners to intermediate users to advanced users, everyone got something out of it. Thanks again JH and hopefully we can book some more talks soon :-)

  • John
  • Members definitely enjoyed it and JH's presentational style was lively but authoritative. And in addition to the more obvious approaches to Long exposure photography, JH suggested some styles that many wouldn't have considered, which was very welcome, given that we have a long exposure-themed competition next year. On the slightly less positive side, although JH quite justifiably explained why he believes Long Exposure is wonderful, he did this while showing us just one slide, which appeared on screen for about 11 minutes, during which I could almost hear one or two members yawning! I think we would have appreciated seeing a number of different image examples during those 11 minutes, which would have lost none of the message but would have helped to hold our attention. Having said that, the second half was much stronger with lots of example images and JH's build up to the ending worked particularly well with many members genuinely delighted with the end result i.e. merging 5 images into a very impactful light trail!
    From JH: Thanks for the feedback John - and especially for the comment on the longer segment with just one slide. Following that chat with you where you shared this with me, I updated my talk and included a number of additional images and panels for that segment - this kind of feedback is so valuable to me as a speaker as it lets me continually improve the experience I deliver, so many thanks for taking the time to comment….

  • David
  • Knowing full well that I was using Lightroom incorrectly with multiple catalogues, I needed guidance from an expert to put me back on the right track and I am delighted that I found JH on Clik-trip. The time spent with JH using virtual software, allowed him to view my current workflow and took me through the correct stages of how the management of a single Lightroom catalogue structure should work. With the added instruction on Collections for various genre of photographs, I have now imported all catalogues into one and have the ability to instantaneously locate an image for editing or distribution. I would therefore fully recommend using JH if anyone needs expert guidance as he takes you through all stages in a clear and precise manner.


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