Posted on 2020-06-17

How to make a story with photographs

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Alfredo studied photography in New York at the International Center of Photography. While there he did a three-month internship at Magnum Photos, in the archive department. He then moved back to Italy and started collaborating with Contrasto photo agency. Alfredo has worked with UNICEF Italy and travelled with them to Africa, working on projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad and Benin. His stories have been published in The Australian Photojournalist, Vanity Fair, El Pays Semanal, Sport Week and many other magazines and have been included in photography festivals such as ‘Fotonoviembre’ Biennial of Photography, Tenerife, and ‘Visa pour l’Image’, Perpignan, France. In 2006 his first book, Lost Angels, won the first prize in the book category at the International Photography Award.

With these lecture he will go through the making of of his reportages and the topics that are covered range from the preparation of the story to the technical aspects of photography. Another subject that will be discussed is the photography style and how it can be reached in all its steps: from the way the pictures is taken to the way it is retouched. You will have plenty of time for asking questions during and after the presentation. The aim of this lecture is to give you an understanding on how to make a story for a magazine or for an exhibition.


  • Street Photography
  • Visual Storytelling
  • Tips from a Pro
  • Improve your Techniques

Type of Talk

  • Presentation


  • 60 mins


  • 1 x 60 mins plus Q&A

Languages spoken

Italian, English

Time Zone



Beginners to Advanced

Delivered by

  • Zoom

Max group size


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