About your local photographer
Starting out in newspapers and covering all manner of subjects and styles throughout my career. I love people and travel photography.I started working on the photo desk in a daily newspaper. I was excited about the opportunity to work with and learn from ten professional photojournalists. Sadly, it was harder than I thought. They were all very competitive and secretive about how they made their photographs.
Eventually I gained the confidence of a few senior photographers as they realized I was seriously passionate. They began to teach me.
As I progressed through the ranks and became a photojournalist myself, this was my photography school. Learning by experience. Being required to come back from every assignment with at least one publishable photograph was superb motivation.
This early frustration to find willing teachers has always inspired me to share what I know.
Before moving to Chiang Mai I ran a successful freelance photography business in New Zealand. Since moving to Thailand I have continued to pursue my career in photography and also documentary film making. I love the relaxed northern Thai culture and people.
I’m a self-taught photographer with a depth of experience that I desire to share with others.
Awards, Publications, Exhibitions etc
My images have been run in many national and international publications including Time Magazine. My award-winning work is also represented by Getty Images, iStock, Alamy and other major stock photo and video agencies. I am on the advisory board of TIPS (Thailand International Photography Society.) I also contribute articles regularly to the Digital Photography School website and write my own blog.- Photographer Mentoring
- €69.00 / hour
- KL
- Ban Luang TH
- Online Mentoring
- Photographing People – A Guide For Shy Photographers
- €10.00 / e-book
- KL
- FR
- e-books
- Cultural Sensitivity When Photographing In South East Asia
- €100.00 / 75 mins
- KL
- Ban Luang TH
- Photography Lectures
- Photographing People – A Guide For Shy Photographers
- €100.00 / 75 mins
- KL
- Ban Luang TH
- Photography Lectures
- Thailand - 5 Day Culture Photography Workshop
- €2,750.00 / person
- KL
- Chiang Mai TH
- Workshop
- Thailand - 3 day Photography Workshop
- €1,695.00 / person
- KL
- Chiang Mai TH
- Workshop
- Thailand - Suan Sook Custom Photography Retreat
- €215.00 / person/14 days
- KL
- Chiang Mai TH
- Photo Retreat
- Thailand - Rural Market Photography Retreat
- €225.00 / person
- KL
- Chiang Mai TH
- Photo Retreat
1 Review(s)

Great talk from KL. He's obviously very experienced after all his years in Thailand, and gave good advice on how to get the photographs you want, without being rude or offensive to the local people and their beliefs - or at least how to minimise any accidental cultural insensitivity! A very useful talk, with lovely accompanying images.